Neural Organisation Technique

What is N.O.T.?
N.O.T. is a series of techniques designed to improve nervous system function by re-organising the nervous system so that the individual can function effectively and efficiently without pain or distress.
It is based on the theory that the body is an integrated whole – self-healing, self regulating, self perpetuating (replacing its own tissues), an organised entity.
The N.O.T. principles are based in the survival systems of the human species: feeding, flight/fight and reproduction.
Dr Ferreri found that the body and its multitude of functions work like a computer with very specific programs for every eventuality. Some programs like the basic survival systems were built in and other programs were developed, learned or put together as the need arose.
Sometimes the programs get corrupted or damaged due to either physical, emotional or chemical stress. N.O.T. is designed to find the cause of the stress or damaged program by testing the body in various situations and then uses gentle spinal, cranial and reflex techniques to reactivate and re-organize the nervous system.
Chiropractic & N.O.T.
Chiropractors are well qualified and most suited to learn and practice N.O.T. because of their extensive training and understanding of nervous system function and body structure.
At this stage only a small percentage of chiropractors are trained in N.O.T. Some of these Chiropractors use N.O.T. as their main treatment protocol and others as an adjunct to other chiropractic techniques.
The N.O.T. Experience
N.O.T. is very gentle. An array of non invasive tests ranging from an assessment of your walking gait to more complex nervous system function tests are conducted. The purpose of these tests is to assess the status of your survival systems and gauge to what extent your nervous systems is promoting protective/defensive responses rather than growth and repair in your body.
A variety of gentle spinal, cranial and reflex techniques are generally reinforced with breathing patterns. A range of physical situations including light/dark, eyes open/closed and any situation of relevant stress are explored to ascertain whether your nervous system is returning to a self regulating, self maintaining system.
Patients/clients generally find N.O.T. very relaxing and enjoyable. Marvelous changes will occur in your body as your nervous system shifts its attention back to growth and repair.
Recovery of your health and wellbeing will depend upon the length of time you have had problems and your ability to avoid and resolve stresses in your life.

Who would benefit from N.O.T.
All health problems are assisted by nervous system function working more effectively and optimum function of the nervous system is imperative for complete wellness. Therefore all health problems from head and back aches to sore feet, colds, asthma, and more serious problems can be assisted. Also anyone who wishes to enhance their health, improve their performance or optimise their potential could benefit greatly from N.O.T.