It’s winter time and lots of us get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) during these winter months. It’s cold, windy, dark and rainy. I wanted to reach out and ensure that men (and women) who were feeling sad are getting help.
Here’s a throwback video from Men’s Health Week in June that discusses tips on overcoming seasonal affective disorder.
Overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder
Number 1: You want to get outside when there is sunshine and exercise as much as you can to help battle off seasonal affective disorder.
Also, in your chiropractic care one of the things we focus on is your spinal centred feedback system working as well as possible.
This ensures that your higher brain system is more active and your lower brain systems that relate to fear, anxiety and alarm responses are inhibited. A key to minimising seasonal affective disorder.
This is our normal action process and it ensures that our happy brain chemicals are at a higher level. So if you haven’t had a chiropractic examination, do so now.
Brain health, spine health and your health
It’s really interesting to see how much we don’t understand about what makes our brain healthy.
We definitely know that sensory feedback from your spinal system together with other approaches ensure that your brain network of cells and neurons, is much more likely to be in a healthy resting state and ensuring brain chemistry is in a better state of balance.
This means that your happy brain chemistry and your focusing brain chemistry is more likely to be at optimum levels.
Also those mid brain systems that drive fear and anxiety and our alarm responses are likely to be much quieter. This can help with battling Seasonal Affective Disorder.
The key in all of this puzzle coming out of National Spine Health Week is passive care on your spinal system. Getting your spine checked regularly is an important part of your wellbeing and keeping you moving.
It’s also an important part of keeping your brain and your nervous system network healthy.